Your oppenents range is very polarized to JJ+ or bluffs. So your hand is basically a bluff catcher. It comes down to whether or not he is bluffing 30% of the time or not. If he is, call. I believe a call is in order based on the info we have. You make it sound like his range is incredibly wide even when he 3-barrells so how can we not call?
Edit: Well, I still think his hand is either JJ+ or bluff. But what hands would he be bluffing with?
10% air
5% flush draw
5%- worst aces (turning made hand into bluff, which he is capable of because he is a very good player)
Hes bluffing 20%, 25% max. A fold is in order!
However, there is some things you need to think about.
1. Your hand is at the top of your range. Your hand looks incredibly like a weak or ok (but not awesome) Ax. If you had Jx or worse, you would probaly fold turn. If you had a house you would raise turn or get it in on the flop (with these stacks and the board its probaly smart to try to inflate the pot as fast as possible with a strong hand). You could argue AK is at the top of your range, but usually you would be more agressive with it on the flop or turn. As i said earlier, AT is almost or is the best hand you could possibly have. I am not sure how or even if it affects your decision.
2. Now lets talk about how your decision may affect your future decisions. Lets assume your oppenent puts you on a weak ace. If you fold this, he will know you are able to fold. He will also know that he can get you to fold 90% of your range with a triple barrell, but you will call his double barrells. Because of this, he will start firing more 3 barrells which is a bad thing for you.
3. We know he 3-barrells. Yet we called turn and now are intending to fold on the river on a card that didnt change anything. Im not sure whether this is a leak.
I know that number 2 is something we need to think about. 1 and 3 are probaly important, but im not sure how it relates to the decision. ANY IDEAS HOW 1 AND 3 RELATE TO THE DECISION AT HAND?
I actually liked the call on the turn. Raising the turn is too strong, but folding is too weak against the GOOD and AGRESSIVE oppenent.
Now lets talk about your previous question. How can you not get the money in with AA? Is my range off? (If it is please correct me) It seems like an accurate portrayal of the hands he is 3-betting the flop with based on YOUR INFO. How can you not be happy with 60% equity??
Edit 2:
Once again, even if you take out some draws, your equity stays almost the same.
If you take out the gutshot straight flush draw (which seems fair) your equity will drop 5% max.
Obviosly in this situation, you cant be thrilled about getting it in. How can you think of folding though? I mean, if you are scared of coinflips you shouldnt be playing poker.
Edit 3: Okay, i agree its pretty close, but I dont think you need to think too long on this one before you shove it.
Edit 4: We know he is capable of firing 3-barrells. However, we call the second barrell so he will be scared to fire a 3-barrell. If he is capable of firing a last barrell, I dont think us calling the turn will be a big deterrant. In the end, I think calling turn so he will be scared to bluff river isnt good logic.
I feel the turn is actually a pretty good case of reverse implied odds even though we hold trips /w a good kicker. We dont know where we are in any part of the hand. When we call the turn, we are hoping to get a free showdown and winning the minumum. However, if we face a river bet we have to fold or make a bad call. The more I think about it, I think we have to fold turn against a good oppenent. The turn call itself is definitly +EV. However, the turn call leads to a -EV river spot. Another thing to think about is the fact that a better hand is always betting the turn, but worse hands and bluffs slow down alot.
Anyways, this was a really tough spot and I thought this question really got me thinking. Thx!
The last thing to discuss is the flop raise. We want to price out draws, but we only get like one street of value against worst hands, maybe two against A5-A9. Not sure raising flop is actually a good idea. Lets discuss!
Another thing to think about is when does your hand being at the top of your range matter?
Edit: I meant "another thing to think about is when does your hand being at the top of your PERCEIVED range matter".
Well I guess im done with this thread, fun times!